Five Things to Say to Someone Struggling with Anxiety


Anxiety is quite likely to infiltrate your life or someone else’s life who you care about. Around one-third of all American adults suffer from anxiety disorders at some time in their life. Though there are several forms of anxiety disorders, they all share the same basic characteristics. Their lives become war-like because of their excessive worry and fear.

To help people around you who are suffering from anxiety, you can do a lot of things. There are some inspiring things to say so they’re worry eases. This isn’t something that you will learn in schools (but it should be, right?). Perhaps, all these come from experiences. So, to assist, here are examples of what to say when a friend’s anxiety is exceptionally severe.

Things to Say to Someone Struggling with Anxiety

Do you want me to talk to you now?

It may appear easy and apparent, but it’s in fact important also. It’s difficult to know what to do without understanding what the individual wants. But if you ask the person what is going on could help him share and get relief. Talking and listening to someone can help him or her decrease anxiety to a great extent.

People’s reactions to anxiety can vary significantly. This depends on their precise illness, personality, previous events, the type of day they’re experiencing symptoms, and more. Some individuals may want support, some may want counseling, and some may just want people to leave them alone.

If your friend reveals their anxiety on a day when it isn’t unbearable, use the opportunity to start a dialogue about how you can best help them when it is. Though what they say is susceptible to change, you may receive some baseline information to work with when your buddy is struggling.

Would it be helpful if I sat here with you?

If your friend’s anxiety is so acute that they can’t convey what they want or need from you, simply sitting down with them for as long as they need is very helpful.

Research has discovered that having support in this manner may be beneficial when he or she is feeling highly stressed. Words like this “I know how tough of a situation this is, but let’s breathe together. Things will heal soon” is great to say.

It can be beneficial to encourage the individual to slow down their breathing. Whether or not it helps and how to go about it will depend on the individual and your connection. But if they’re having trouble breathing normally, it could be worth a go.

You will always find me by your side, no matter what.

Sending a kind text to check in with a friend may sometimes provide reassurance from a distance. Being consistently supportive by sending pleasant and encouraging emails is really helpful. This works better when someone’s anxiety level is out of control. You can say, “I don’t know what you’re going through, but I always love you. And I’m here for you no matter what happens.”

Do you want me to come over?

This may seem strange. But if you phrase it as being concerned about how your buddies will survive without you—rather than being burdened or irritated—they should understand. That’s especially true if you emphasize that you want to assist them in handling their anxiety. It’s as well as, possible in the long run, not just in the moments when you can be by their side.

Consider talking with them about safety behaviors. It may prolong their journey in treating their anxiety. If you are, concerned, you might gently inquire about it during a more neutral time when your friend’s anxiety isn’t increasing.

Do you want advice or do you want me to listen?

You may feel compelled to instantly provide counsel to your friend. This is because you want to assist them in resolving whatever is causing them stress. That might be precisely what they require at times. Sometimes, though, individuals wish to express themselves without being given a list of things to do in response.

Delivering the sort of support your buddy requires might make them feel more understood. So it’s critical to define which type they need. Throw yourself into it if your friend only wants you to listen. Listening is an art that includes removing all distractions, not interrupting, and informing your friend that you will not judge them for what they say.

If they ask for advice, depending on what you’re about to say, you might want to preface it with, “I’m not sure if this truly pertains to what you’re going through.”


Finally, along with all the options mentioned above, you can also help your friends or loved ones by saying something more depending on the situation. No matter what you say, it’s always important to stay by their side when they are struggling with anxiety.

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