How to Hide Likes on Instagram


A picture may speak a thousand words, but on Instagram, it can also bring you a thousand likes. However, in recent times, the platform has come under fire for its emphasis on “likes” and how it can impact users’ mental health. Instagram has responded to this criticism by introducing a feature that enables users to hide likes on their posts. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about hiding likes on Instagram.

What are likes on Instagram?

Likes are a popular form of social validation on Instagram that represents how many users have viewed and appreciated a particular post. It’s often viewed as a measure of popularity, and the number of likes a post receives can significantly impact a user’s self-esteem and perceived popularity.

Why hide likes on Instagram?

The pressure to obtain likes on Instagram can be overwhelming for some users, particularly younger generations who may feel that their self-worth is tied to the number of likes they receive. This can generate negative thoughts and bad feelings about self-esteem and ultimately cause depression.

The pressure to obtain likes on Instagram can be overwhelming, and the impact it can have on mental health is a growing concern. Instagram’s decision to introduce a feature that allows users to hide likes on their posts is a positive step towards promoting authenticity and reducing the pressure to obtain likes.

How to hide likes on Instagram.

To hide likes on your Instagram posts, follow these steps:

  • Open the Instagram app > your profile.
  • Tap on the top right three lines and open Settings
  • Go to the privacy
  • From Interactions section, select Posts.
  • Toggle on the option for Hide Like and View Counts.

Once you have enabled this feature, your followers won’t be able to see the likes on your posts. However, it’s important to note that this feature only applies to new posts you create. Previous posts will still display the number of likes they received.

Hiding likes on Instagram before publishing

Hiding likes on Instagram can be a useful feature if you want to reduce the pressure to obtain a certain number of likes and promote authenticity on the platform. Here’s how to hide likes on your Instagram posts before publishing:

  • Open the Instagram app and go to the post creation screen by tapping the plus (+) icon
  • Choose your desired video/photo you want to post.
  • Edit the photo or video as desired, and add any captions or tags.
  • Before publishing the post, scroll down to the “Advanced Settings” section.
  • Toggle on the “Hide Like and View Counts” option.
  • Finish any remaining steps for posting your photo or video as usual.
  • After publishing your post with the “Hide Like and View Counts” option enabled, your followers will not see the number of likes on your post. Instead, they will see a message that reads “Liked by [name of the follower] and others.”

It’s important to note that you can’t hide likes on Instagram posts that you’ve already published. You can, however, archive or delete the post if you want to remove the likes from public view.

What are the benefits of hiding likes on Instagram?

Hiding likes on Instagram can have several benefits, including:

Reducing the pressure to obtain likes: By hiding the number of likes on your posts, you may feel less pressure to obtain a certain number of likes and can focus on creating content that you enjoy.

Promoting authenticity: Hiding likes can also encourage users to post more authentic content, rather than posts that are solely designed to obtain likes.

Focusing on engagement: Without the distraction of likes, you may be more likely to focus on engaging with your followers and building meaningful connections on the platform.

What are the potential drawbacks?

While hiding likes on Instagram can have several benefits, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks, including:

Impact on influencers: Influencers often rely on the number of likes their posts receive to attract brand sponsorships. Hiding likes could impact their ability to secure these partnerships.

Difficulty in measuring success: Without the ability to see the number of likes a post receives, it can be more difficult to measure the success of a particular post or marketing campaign.

Unintended consequences: While the intention of hiding likes is to promote mental health, there is a risk that it could have unintended consequences, such as reducing engagement and interaction on the platform.

Final Words

Hiding likes on Instagram can have several benefits for users, particularly those who struggle with the pressure to obtain likes. However, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of this feature, particularly for influencers who rely on the number of likes to attract brand partnerships. Ultimately, the decision of how to hide likes on Instagram should be based on your individual needs and goals on the platform.

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