Griffin III Learns from Inappropriate Comment


On December 22, 2023, ex-NFL quarterback and popular ESPN commentator Robert Griffin III faced disapproval from the sports network for an unsuitable on-air remark made during a college football match last season. Despite this incident, Griffin, who joined ESPN three years ago, has mesmerized viewers with his enthralling commentary and in-depth understanding of football. Consequently, he remains a highly sought-after commentator for both college and professional games. Griffin sees this occurrence as a learning experience; he is determined to improve his on-air performance and strengthen his commentary skills. ESPN and its audience trust Griffin’s expertise and believe that he will continue to deliver insightful analysis while adhering to acceptable commentary standards.

Griffin’s inappropriate comment

During a Friday morning interview, Griffin revealed details of the October 2022 incident. While commenting on a game, he made a double entendre regarding the Beavers, the mascot of one of the teams. He said, “Early in the game, I’m like, ‘Let’s see how much wood these Beavers can take.'” ESPN’s headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut, disapproved of Griffin’s comment. Consequently, the former quarterback received a stern warning from the network executives, who did not appreciate his inappropriate commentary. Griffin promptly apologized for his choice of words, admitted that his attempt at humor was offensive, and pledged to be more careful with his language on-air.

Warning and recognition of responsibility

The former NFL player admitted making a few other questionable statements during the same game, which prompted ESPN to take action. Griffin shared, “I got a call after that game because it was way too much. It was egregious. It wasn’t like ‘Hey, you’re gonna get fired if you keep doing this.’ But it was like, ‘Hey, you probably shouldn’t keep doing this.'” Griffin took the warning to heart and worked on adjusting his commentary style. This incident allowed him to recognize the significance of professionalism and accountability when addressing millions of viewers during a broadcast.

Recent college football developments

In other college football news, Florida State University and the USC Football team each issued official statements regarding their respective lawsuits against the ACC. Both schools expressed their commitment to resolving these legal issues promptly and ensuring the best possible outcome for their athletic programs. Concurrently, the sports world is abuzz with anticipation as former 4-star receiver Taeshaun Lyons has entered the transfer portal. Rumors are rife about which team Lyons might join while several leading coaches have reached out to express their interest.


In summary, Robert Griffin III’s recent experience has taught him the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor and responsible approach to on-air commentary. While he faced the disapproval of the network executives for his inappropriate remark, Griffin utilized this opportunity as a learning experience and embraced the need to improve his performance. As he continues to provide captivating analysis of football games, ESPN and its viewers trust Griffin’s ability to refine his on-air presence and remain cognizant of using appropriate language in his commentary. Meanwhile, the college football world eagerly awaits the unfolding developments involving Florida State University, the USC Football team, and the fate of Taeshaun Lyons.
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What was the inappropriate comment made by Robert Griffin III?

During a college football match, Griffin made a double entendre regarding the Beavers, the mascot of one of the teams. He said, “Let’s see how much wood these Beavers can take.” ESPN disapproved of this comment and issued a warning to Griffin.

How did Griffin respond to the warning from ESPN’s executives?

Griffin promptly apologized for his inappropriate comment and pledged to be more careful with his language on-air. He took the warning to heart and worked on adjusting his commentary style, recognizing the importance of professionalism and accountability while on air.

What do both Florida State University and the USC Football team have in common?

Florida State University and the USC Football team each have issued official statements regarding their respective lawsuits against the ACC. Both schools are committed to resolving these legal issues promptly and ensuring the best possible outcome for their athletic programs.

Which former 4-star receiver has recently entered the transfer portal?

Taeshaun Lyons has entered the transfer portal, causing speculation and rumors about which team he might join. Several leading coaches have reached out to express their interest in Lyons.

What lesson did Griffin learn from his experience?

Griffin learned the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor and responsible approach to on-air commentary. He continues to improve his performance, refining his on-air presence, and remaining cognizant of using appropriate language in his commentary.


Photo by Jean-Daniel Francoeur:

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