Games that stand to score on Apple’s iPad tablet computer

The massive success of games that are also iPhone apps gives me a warm feeling inside. It’s good to know I’m not the only one out there who may have a big boy device but still remains young at heart.

And just when I was getting familiar with this iPhone thingy, Apple is now expanding the playing field with the iPad. 

The iPad’s larger screen will get many excited about its possible e-Reader capabilities or using it as an alternative to their work laptop. I, on the other hand, will be thinking about all the games I can play on this new toy.

It’s all conjecture and gossip right now, but you can’t help but wonder what these games would look like on the big screen.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

The Grand Theft Auto franchise makes its first appearance on the iPhone in the form Top Gun iPhone game is that the screen can look like a jumbled mess at times. Obviously the iSlate’s larger screen would be perfect for this, making the game not only more pleasing visually but improving its gameplay.

Another issue is whether the new tablet computer will include an accelerometer, and whether games such as this that rely so heavily on it would work as well. Seeing as how so many apps use it to control movement, it’d be hard to imagine it not being there.

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