GM Mobile app so far is pretty much a non-starter

For a company that fell behind the times, GM Mobile is an earnest attempt to reconnect with the American people on a new level. Unfortunately, it’s just another example of the difficult road the automaker is facing.

The app offers users options such as The Lab or The Case for GM.

The Lab, for example, is intended to communicate GM’s new concepts and products with its customers. GM encourages feedback on the ideas it posts, and if the notion works, this positive interaction could give customers the feeling they have a say in GM’s future. For now, though, the concept is unproven. When I tried to see what new products GM would be rolling out, the pictures or videos tab was empty.

More helpful is The Case for GM blog written in part by new Chief Executive Officer Fritz Henderson. The blog provides updates and insights, and also features YouTube clips. 

GM Mobile is simple but for it to be successful it needs to pick up the pace.  And why can’t I get a link directly to the GM cars being sold on eBay from local dealers, a new effort?

Another frustration: the only news here is what GM deems newsworthy. For a full accounting of the issues the automaker faces, it would be useful if it added a tab for additional news about GM from various sources.

The concept behind this app is great if it were executed correctly. GM needs to be more open with the public for this app to grow and work. 

Otherwise, it’s just an overcomplicated promotional tool.

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