Let Dove Body Language Messenger iPhone app speak for you

Every time there’s a weird new way to send a multimedia text to your friend, I’m there. I want to make people click a link just to read that I hand-scribbled, “What’s up?” I’m that guy sometimes. For that reason, Dove Body Language Messenger speaks to me completely.

The texting app lets you compose a short text message and then watch as human bodies appear to create the letters you’re texting. Failure to watch the creation means you’ve missed all the fun, because bodies standing still that happen to look like letters are a little boring, but watching some of the minor gymnastics it takes to create certain letters is good for a chuckle.

Obviously this wouldn’t be very useful on a routine basis. It takes time to send the messages, let alone read them. But like a silly Valentine’s Day app, it’s worth a use or two to make someone chuckle. The ability to send the message via SMS, Facebook, Twitter or email is a nice plus.

As a bonus, Dove Body language Messenger also comes with a handy clock. So you can keep the app running and watch as the bodies make time go by just a little faster.

We’re nowhere near a romantic holiday, but if you’re thinking ahead or just want to make a friend chuckle, there are worse ways to do so than the Dove Body Language Messenger. Just don’t start sending all your texts via this app, please.

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