New RSS Feed for Users’ App Library

You can now share a feed of your latest apps on Appolicious, or check out your favorite app enthusiasts’ latest apps right in your RSS reader! Just click on the orange feed icon on any Appolicious users’ library. Here are some active users to track:

iPhone/iPad Users:

  • Nathan Lott, who reviews apps for his podcast AppADay. His latest app is Big App Show.
  • Fares Fayed, a super gaming enthusiast, updates his app library very often. His latest iPhone game is Sneezies.
  • Alline is an Apple Distinguished Educator who constantly adds educational gems to her app library. Her latest app is MathTappers, which helps kids learn addition and subtraction.

Android Users:

  • GirlGoneGeek is a Super Mario fan and loves to trick out her Android phone! Her latest Android app is the Kobo ereader.
  • Arvid is Customer Satisfaction Program Manager at Hewlett-Packard and he was one of the first people in the Netherlands to own a Nexus One and a Samsung Galaxy tab. His latest app is WeatherPro.

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