Share your best Poker Face via this iPhone app with your social media friends

Who doesn’t want to be a little like Lady Gaga these days? Now, you can pull a Lady Gaga no matter where you are. Just download the Lady Gaga iOKi app ($4.99). This karaoke app comes preloaded with five of Lady Gaga’s latest hits, including “Bad Romance” and “Poker Face.”

Having a bad day at the office? Bust out your rendition of “Love Game” during a bathroom break and your day is guaranteed to improve. In fact, I think you could perk up just about any event if you bring some Lady Gaga with you. Like the app maker touts, “it’s a party in your pocket!”

And, if you get tired of Lady Gaga songs, feel free to purchase and download songs from other artists right from the library in this iOKi app. Plus, the best part of all is you can record your karaoke outings in the app with your iPhone — over-the-top fashions, a la Lady Gaga, not included. Then, share your best Poker Face on Facebook and Twitter.

I’m a little bummed since I only have an iPod Touch, so I can’t share my karaoke prowess with my online friends, but something tells me they aren’t too bummed about it. Still, I’ll use this app to master the lyrics of all my favorite songs and practice for bowling alley karaoke night with friends!

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