Cybersecurity Offense – The Best Defense

Cybersecurity Offense

Is your organization prepared to respond and defend itself in the face of cyber threats? With threat actors employing innovative tactics to conceal their operations, the traditional approach to combating threats is no longer effective. To protect themselves, implementing a good cybersecurity offense is the best defense.

Companies must employ offensive cyber tactics to discover and eliminate powerful adversaries on their networks.


Sleep Better at Night With a Good Cybersecurity Offense

Does your cyber team have a plan in place in the event of a potential hack on your system? Your business has likely been using a strategy of defending and responding to cybersecurity threats for a long time. However, if you believe this method is sufficient to safeguard your firm against a breach today, you are mistaken.

Too many organizations are waiting for the news of a security breach before taking action. These traditional methods are no longer sufficient in the face of an increasing quantity and size of cyberattacks. Furthermore, threat actors are using sophisticated new cyber techniques to conceal their activities, making the old methods obsolete.

Experts surmised the recent Equifax hack presented one of the most substantial hazards to personally sensitive information in recent years. This breach exposed data for as many as 143 million Americans. In the wake of this massive data leak, it’s important to remember a defensive cyber strategy is no longer enough.

Cybersecurity offense is a new way of approaching security. Implementing a good cybersecurity offense plan will ensure your company is better positioned to defend against these sophisticated cyber threats. This assurance will surely help you sleep better at night.


Use Threat Hunting to Protect Your Network

Today’s unpredictable environment has many rapidly evolving threat actors and emerging technologies. The only way for organizations to protect themselves is to deploy cybersecurity offense techniques. These techniques work to uncover powerful adversaries on their networks.

Threat hunting is the most effective approach available and critical for any business wishing to detect and prevent network assaults.

Threat hunting is the process of actively seeking compromises before anything happens. Hunters scour through networks and datasets to find hidden threats before an incident occurs. Organizations can detect attacks before they become too strong by conducting frequent network assessments looking for signs of malicious activity.

Threat hunters work to find the dwell time (the amount of time an attacker remains hidden on a victim’s network). This dwell time is usually between 200 and 250 days before discovery. Advanced adversaries dwell in the background noise of networks and bypass reactive, cybersecurity protections by constantly inventing harmful strategies.

All of these advancements are designed to circumvent traditional cyber protections. They include polymorphic and disguised malware, dynamic infrastructure, file-less malware, and the hijacking of normal operating system operations.

Automatic data collection and analysis, threat analytics, threat intelligence, and artificial intelligence are all part of this proactive strategy. The idea is to capture and analyze massive amounts of data with high-tech tools and tradecraft. By using custom delivery methods, these solutions can identify and mitigate risks at the speed of a machine.


Outpace Threats by Using Data-Driven Cyberdefense

Automatic systems alone will not be able to detect all threats in a secure environment. Therefore, use these tools in conjunction with threat analysts who have a thorough awareness of the organization’s working environment. When facing complex data, threat analysts can make sense of it and build hunting hypotheses.

They can then test these hypotheses to better discover hidden dangers.

The use of ad hoc hunting methods, even with intelligent analysts and the appropriate tools, is not sufficient. It must also be subject to standardization and measurement. To conduct threat hunting effectively, it’s necessary to develop a repeatable process that is integral to the overall security strategy.

Smart integration of security information and event management can help. Additionally, endpoint detection and response systems may aid in the speed and efficiency of this procedure.


Fortunately, incidents such as the Equifax compromise do not have to be unavoidable. Organizations can take action now to strengthen their security posture and avoid being the future target of a cyberattack. Your organization’s security hinges on three factors: analytical tools, wise threat analysts, and sound search processes.

With a strong cybersecurity offense using threat hunting, you can rest a little easier knowing your company is safer.


Image Credit: Cottonbro; Pexels; Thank you!

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