Brand Values – 6 Ways to Know Your Business Better

Brand Values

According to recent polls, 83 percent of millennials and 51% of Gen Zers prefer shopping brands that share their beliefs. Therefore, if you’re launching a new business in 2022, you may want to start by defining your brand values. This will help you identify and connect with the ideal employees, partners, and consumers.

Here are six things to remember when establishing brand values.

1. Consider what you don’t want.

According to a recent survey, 81 percent of people fall into one of two categories when it comes to shopping. First, there are value-driven consumers (41 percent) who seek good value. Second, there are purpose-driven consumers (40 percent) who seek products and services that correspond with their values.

The trend is that consumers are becoming more purpose-driven. Therefore, it’s critical to define what you want your brand to be known for. This may require first articulating what you don’t want.

Make a list of things you didn’t like about previous employers. It may have been the company’s overall policy, or perhaps it was their communication approaches. Simply pinpoint the pain spots you’ve had in previous jobs and use them to help design an alternative path.

2. Think about the values you believe in.

Reflecting on what you want your company to be about is vital. Begin by considering the brands you wish to imitate.

What drew you to them in the first place? Was it the principles they promoted, or how they treated their employees or was it the way they did business? Knowing this can help you better grasp the brand values you want to bring to your company.

Next, evaluate how you might bring your company’s desired brand values to life in concrete ways. Don’t merely talk about platitudes. Instead, work on explicitly describing how you want your principles to manifest in practice.

For example, you can’t just say that you value diversity and inclusion. Rather, consider how it might play out in real life, from your hiring procedures to future marketing. In doing this, you’ll also improve your company’s blueprint by finding the techniques you appreciate in other firms.

3. Collaborate with your team to come up with more brand values ideas.

Articulating the principles you want your organization to follow is a good place to start. However, it’s equally crucial to obtain feedback from your team. Therefore, set aside time to discuss with your staff the values they believe your firm best reflects.

In addition, talk about the ideals you want to continue working toward in the future.

Depending on the size of your organization, you may choose to meet with the full team or with each department. Listening to what your staff has to say will help you figure out your key values. Additionally, it will help you know how to improve in the future.

Suppose you’re a one-person team just getting started. If that’s the case, find a partner to help in this exercise. Be sure to choose someone you trust and who is willing to challenge your ideas.

4. Make pillars for your brand.

Once you’ve narrowed down your company’s main values, make a brand pillars guide. The goal, perception, personality, positioning, and marketing of your brand are all communicated through brand pillars.

Brand pillars express what your brand stands for in a way that people can understand and relate to. They also help you stand out from the crowd and shape public perceptions. Additionally, they communicate your distinct voice and tone.

Brand pillars can be thought of as the action items that bring your fundamental beliefs to life. For example, if one of your fundamental values is innovation, your brand pillars should demonstrate how you innovate. They should clearly show up from your branding aesthetic to the innovative marketing techniques used to reach your target audience.

Consider them your company’s North Star. Brand pillars can be shared publicly in pitch decks for potential clients. They can also be used internally to help staff grasp your company’s vision and direction.

5. Recognize your target market and state your brand values accordingly.

It’s critical to determine your target audience, whether through consumer surveys or demographic data. You can use a tool like Jotform Survey Maker to conduct market research and define your target audience easily.

Knowing how to effectively express your brand values to your target market in a way that seems relatable is just as vital.

For example, young people have a stronger connection to digital media than their older counterparts. Therefore, if you’re looking to reach a younger audience, emphasize your principles on your website and social media channels. Keep in mind that your brand values are important for attracting new customers, however, they’re also important for attracting talent.

6. Maintain consistency.

It will take time to define your brand values. Customers will quickly recognize what your company stands for if you define your top values and stick to them. This will help establish a positive brand image and attract customers with shared beliefs, both now and in the future.


Image Credit: Olya Kobruseva; Pexels; Thank you!

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