Colbert Ridicules Trump’s “Divine Plan” Video

Divine Plan

Colbert mocks Trump’s divine plan video

Late Show host Stephen Colbert didn’t hold back when addressing a video that suggests ex-President Donald Trump is part of a divine plan. The video, inspired by Paul Harvey’s 1978 speech, depicts Trump as a relentless “guardian” of the country. In response, Colbert said, “OK, fine, God made Trump. But God also made that fish that swims up your pee-hole and shoots out spikes so you can’t get it out. So, I’m just saying God’s got a mixed record on making things.” Colbert continued to mock the idea, stating, “I mean, sure, maybe some believe Trump was a defender of freedom, but don’t forget that God also created mosquitoes, which mercilessly transmit diseases to millions. Really makes you question the intentions behind these so-called ‘guardians’, doesn’t it?” He further sarcastically acknowledged the irony in comparing divine creations as a way to emphasize the absurdity of the video’s claims.

Colbert jokes about Trump’s vacation plans

During his Monday evening monologue, Colbert took another opportunity to poke fun at the former president, humorously suggesting a holiday spot. “By the way, Donald, have you thought about going swimming in the Amazon?” Colbert joked. Continuing his playful tone, he added, “I hear the piranhas are absolutely delightful this time of year; just avoid the candiru fish, they tend to be a bit invasive.” The audience erupted in laughter, as Colbert flashed a mischievous grin, further cementing his reputation for never shying away from political parody.

Fox News presenter sparks controversy

In other news, a Fox News presenter accused a political figure of “going full Hitler,” although this was not a reference to Trump. The presenter’s comment sparked immediate controversy on social media, drawing both support and condemnation from viewers. Some saw the comment as a legitimate criticism, while others felt that making a comparison to Hitler was inappropriate and offensive.

Michelle Obama shares concerns about 2024 election

On another note, ex-First Lady Michelle Obama shared her worries about the 2024 election, stating that it keeps her awake at night. In a recent interview, she expressed her concerns about the potential consequences of misinformation and political polarization on the upcoming elections. Mrs. Obama emphasized the importance of voter education and engagement in order to ensure a fair and democratic process.

Trump invokes presidential immunity in Georgia election case

Additionally, Trump invoked presidential immunity in a recent Georgia election case. This move sparked debates on whether such immunity should be granted in this particular situation. Legal experts are now scrutinizing the extent to which presidential immunity can shield an individual from potential election-related violations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What did Stephen Colbert say about the video claiming Trump is part of a divine plan?

In response to the video, Colbert sarcastically said, “OK, fine, God made Trump. But God also made that fish that swims up your pee-hole and shoots out spikes so you can’t get it out. So, I’m just saying God’s got a mixed record on making things.” He continued to mock the idea by comparing Trump to other less favorable creations, emphasizing the absurdity of the video’s claims.

How did Colbert joke about Trump’s vacation plans?

During his Monday evening monologue, Colbert humorously suggested a holiday spot for the former president, saying, “By the way, Donald, have you thought about going swimming in the Amazon?” He added, “I hear the piranhas are absolutely delightful this time of year; just avoid the candiru fish, they tend to be a bit invasive.” This elicited laughter from the audience.

What controversial comment did a Fox News presenter make?

A Fox News presenter accused a political figure of “going full Hitler,” though not referencing Trump. The comment sparked immediate controversy on social media, with some viewing it as legitimate criticism and others condemning it as inappropriate and offensive.

What concerns did Michelle Obama share about the 2024 election?

Ex-First Lady Michelle Obama expressed her worries about the potential consequences of misinformation and political polarization on the 2024 election, stating that it keeps her awake at night. She emphasized the importance of voter education and engagement to ensure a fair and democratic process.

Why did Trump invoke presidential immunity in a Georgia election case?

Trump invoked presidential immunity in the Georgia election case, sparking debates on whether such immunity should be granted in this situation. Legal experts are now examining the extent to which presidential immunity can protect an individual from potential election-related violations.

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